
kimmytaughther: Dudley O'Shaughnessy

Dudley O'Shaughnessy
lol idk why i'm drawn to sociopathic characters in movies

lol idk why i'm drawn to sociopathic characters in movies


Things necessary and proper to becoming a designer..
There are so many tools out there that many designers are not aware of, including myself. They can be broken down into several categories. Today i will be discussing tools and media sites.
1. Adobe Creative Suite :Illustrator and Photoshop are industry standards. Illustrator is a vector software and photoshop is raster. Most of the time logo designers (like myself) illustrator more often than photoshop, because illustrator is a vector and when re sized you don’t get a pixel-ly look like in photoshop.
2. Dafont :Lets all face it - windows seven fonts are tired and over used. As nice as Helvetica may be there’s nothing new and fresh about it. has literally hundreds of thousands of fonts to choose from, and i never start a project without it. And if your a font designer you can even upload your own fonts for other designers to use!
2. Official PSDS: Working on a mixtape? need that perfect city skyline or musician cut out? www.officialpsds.comhas that and more! The cutouts range from great to down right trifling. Even though the number of psds and stocks to choose from are limited, the site is still growing exponentially. Official psds save a lot of time and effort!
1. : Okay, only the best website ever! allows you to create easy fast flash websites free online.Whether your familiar with design programs or not, the site is almost ridiculously easy to use! There’s also various effects that you can use, that can make your sight look very professional. You can design your own site, use one of the pre-made sites, or even pay one of the wix designers to make a site for you! The possibilities are endless!
2. Twitter / Facebook :These are self explanatory! So man up and start getting your name out there! Companies like Fridays or the Cupcake station offer its followers / likers discounts / coupons! And you best believe I go on Cupcake station’s page just to make sure i dont miss my free cupcake coupon.
3. : A neat way to put your name and your work out there, especially if you don’t have a website! Many designers that i know personally, have behance accounts. The site is straight to the point, without all the bells and whistles of however both sites are very useful.
Feels so good to be back.. the swing of things.
As stressful as school is i’m glad to be back, at the moment. I think it has more to do with being closer to going away to college than anything. Best classes this year: AP Lit, AP gov, and newspaper.
And since i’m the page designer for The Southfield Jay there are some MAJOR changes that will be taking place.
The stories may or may not be interesting, depending on the subject matter…BUT its damn sure gonna look interesting!
Also, since the newspaper is aimed towards teenagers i’m hoping I can start using elements from magazines.
So with that being said , expect a lot more from The Southfield Jay this school year.!
More inspirational News Design to come soon.
Takes money to make money!
At this point in time, my business is in the planning stage mostly, but i am taking some action. However, I cannot move foward with my plans because….IM BROKE!! I need money to buy the software, and once i earn three hundred dollars to buy it, afterwards everything should will fall into place.
So when money is tight, some things will have to substitute others…think of it as imitation crab meat…tastes strange but serves its purpose.
- Instead of spending $300+ on classes at your local art college, do free tutorials. Most (all) of the things I’ve learned to do in photoshop were taught by online tutorials at various websites. Although some are impossible for a beginner to complete most are, completable if the directions are followed very carefully. Also these tutorials will definitely help you! My favorite site for good (great) tutorials is . I’m usually in the PSDtuts section but all sections can be very helpful to the rising graphic artist.
- No customers + No Portfolio = Freebies? At this point in time, I have virtually zero “experience”. At this point in time I have an almost non existent portfolio. So what do you do, when you can’t make money, because you have no portfolio? Design things such as business cards and logo’s for very cheap. Crazy i know. I have never been paid a lot for my designs, because i am just starting out. But those free jobs, lead to paying jobs, because It’s getting your name out there. And although they may seem like a waste of time they’re give you experience and may save you from making a dire mistake on a paying project.
Happy Mozzarella Trails =]
new logo's for glam co. idk which ones she's gonna...

new logo's for glam co. idk which ones she's gonna pick yet though!
Small Talk
Today’s Lesson: When trying to get the word out on your business / organization, do not hesitate to network your skills, to very important people in the industry of said business.
This week i was granted the beautiful opportunity to attend the Dow Jones High School Journalism workshop at Wayne State. Although I do not plan to major in Journalism, it has given me the chance to see different pathways in the communication field. Also, the more i write journalism stories, the more interested i am becoming in the field. We’ve written two stories so far, which i will post a later time.
Today we were introduced to the world of broadcast journalism, while personally this does not personally interest me, i was interested in adobe creative suite on the departments computers.
When the camp was over today, i was talking to Alicia Nails, who knows very important people in the communications industry. I told everything i was doing with my design business, and where i intended to take it.
Long story short, Ms. Nails didn’t know i was an designer, but after she found out this information, she said she would try to see if i could shadow Carolyn Chin, a page designer for The Detroit Freepress!
See where small talk can get you!
About me
This blog is meant to showcase my graphic design and other things that i find cool. I’m a little bit random at times, so bear with me. I own two businesses : Noire Graphics and Jus De Berry Smoothies. Expect to hear a lot about them!
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